Ghoomar- The Traditional Folk Dance of Rajasthan

Ghoomar is a famous and traditional folk dance of Rajasthan, which is known for its unique style and colorful costumes. The name of this dance is derived from the word “Ghoomar” which means “to spin”. This dance is mainly performed by women on special occasions, festivals, and marriage ceremonies. 

Stage artists perfoming Ghoomar folk dance
Aali Jain, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

In Ghoomar dance, women dance by twirling their long Ghagharas (skirts), which creates a beautiful and attractive scene. During this dance, women move in a circular shape by raising their hands, in sync with the rhythm. This dance not only symbolizes the culture of Rajasthan but also displays its beauty and grace. Every step and every movement of Ghoomar dance is a living proof of the rich culture and traditions of Rajasthan.

Table of Contents

Origin and Historical Importance


This dance was originated by the Bhil community and was performed to worship Goddess Saraswati. Jaipur’s rulers, the Rajput Kachwaha community, conquered the Bhil tribe. However, after a few years, both communities agreed to live harmoniously. As a result, Rajputs acquired aspects of the Bhils’ traditions and practices, including Ghoomar.

Historical Importance

Its historical significance is associated with Bhil and Rajput society. This dance is a symbol of the cultural heritage of Rajasthan. Rajput queens and women used to display their happiness and bravery through this dance. Various festivals and religious events are specially decorated with Ghoomar dance. This dance is a living proof of the rich cultural traditions of Rajasthan and the experience of watching it is extremely fascinating.

Ghoomar performance

Style of Dance

Women dance while twirling their long skirts (Ghagharas). Its style has joy, grace and speed which makes the dance unique. This dance is distinguished by its characteristic of moving in a circular shape which captivates the audience.

Attire and Jewlery

In this dance, women wear traditional Rajasthani attire. Their Ghagra is melodious and colorful which makes their dance even more attractive. They dance with a taal in their hands and in sync with the rhythm of every step which adds to the beauty and charm of their attire.

Rajasthani attire and Jewelry


Along with the costumes for Ghoomar dance, there is also special Rajasthani folk music and songs. Women sing and dance to the tune of these songs. This dance provides a unique experience to the audience who experience the words and music of the songs and takes them closer to Rajasthani culture.

Steps of the dance

The count of steps is important in Ghoomar dance. In this dance, women perform many different steps with their feet, such as twirling, jumping, and walking in sync. The ease and spontaneity of the steps makes this dance even more entertaining and dedicated. The facial expressions of the dancers are also important in this dance. Their smile and facial expressions add to the beauty of the dance.

Dance Postures

The posture (nritya mudra) and hand movements are the medium to express musical emotions for this dance. These mudras and hand movements make the dance even more exquisite and leave a deep musical impression in the hearts of the audience. The performance of these mudras at the right time makes the dance unique.

Celebrations and Festivals

Teej and Gangaur

Ghoomar dance is performed by women during Teej and Gangaur festivals of Rajasthan. This dance is a medium of their religious and cultural expression and makes these festivals even more colourful and joyous.

School girls doing Ghoomar dance
Koshy K, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Marriage Ceremony

It is an integral part of wedding ceremonies in Rajasthan. This dance is performed on the arrival of the new bride and groom and enriches the beginning of their married life.

Other Major Festivals

This is also performed on other major festivals of Rajasthan like Holi, Diwali (Light festival), onset of monsoon (Badhao), and other celebrations. This dance makes the festivals even more beautiful and exciting, making people spend their time memorable.

Social Impact of Ghoomar

Participation of Women

The social impact of Ghoomar dance is deep in Rajasthani society. In this dance, women share their cultural and social role. It is not only a medium for them to express their art and tradition, but also increases collective unity in the community. Women also achieve their special identity and respect through this dance.

Unity of the Society

This dance also symbolizes the unity of the society in various ceremonies and festivals. This dance brings together the members of the community and strengthens cultural bonds. In villages, this dance enhances social harmony through celebrations and provides women a chance to participate in community life. Thus, Ghoomar dance remains an important social and cultural pillar for Rajasthani society.

Ghoomar and Modernity

Ghoomar, the traditional folk dance practice of Rajasthan, has maintained its specialty even in the modern environment. Nowadays, it is performed in many places in social and cultural events, giving the old and new generations a chance to experience their traditionality. The importance of the dance is increasing in the modern environment, as it not only keeps our culture alive but also helps in promoting it further.

Along with this, Ghoomar dance has also gained popularity and recognition in the film and entertainment industries. This dance has been performed in many films, making it popular especially among the younger generation. The Ghoomar dance performed by Deepika Padukone in the movie “Padmaavat” gave it international recognition.

International Recognition of Ghoomar

This dance has also made its mark on the international stage. This dance has been performed in many international festivals and cultural celebrations, giving foreign audiences a chance to see a unique aspect of Indian culture. This has spread the name of Ghoomar internationally and is considered as a major symbol of Indian folk dance.

Ghoomar dance also has an important place in world tourism. It is performed in major tourist places of Rajasthan, attracting the attention of foreign tourists. This dance is a symbol of India’s cultural diversity and historical heritage and is an excellent representation of Indian culture across the world.

Education and Practices of Ghoomar

Ghoomar education plays an important role in keeping the cultural heritage of Rajasthan alive and introducing this traditional dance to future generations. There are two main mediums of Ghoomar education – training centers and dance schools.

Training centers

Many training centers have been established in Rajasthan where youth are made aware of the nuances of Ghoomar dance. Various steps, postures, and gestures of the dance are taught in these centers. The instructors are often experienced dancers who train students with their expertise. The aim of training centers is not only to teach dance but also to make students aware of the cultural heritage and traditions of Rajasthan.

Dance Schools

There are also many dance schools in Rajasthan to impart proper education of Ghoomar dance. These schools train students in Ghoomar dance through regular classes. Dance schools have a structured curriculum that teaches the technical nuances of dance, musical rhythm and understanding of songs. Apart from this, dance schools also organize various cultural programs and competitions, where students can showcase their skills. The aim of these schools is to establish Ghoomar dance as a professional art and motivate students to make a career in this field.

Efforts to Conserve the Dance

  • Government Initiatives: The Rajasthan government promotes Ghoomar through the Department of Art and Culture by organizing various programs and competitions to raise awareness among the youth.
  • Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs): NGOs play a crucial role by organizing training camps for Ghoomar dance in both rural and urban areas, promoting the art form and educating people about its history and significance.
  • Community Support: Community organizations provide funding and resources to support Ghoomar artists financially, enabling them to sustain and propagate this traditional dance.


The Ghoomar folk dance, which is a vibrant and important part of Rajasthan’s culture, is a symbol of the region’s rich heritage and artistic traditions. Originating from the Bhil tribe, the dance was also adopted by princely communities and showcases the poise and grace of the performers through its distinctive circular movements and intricate footwork. The dance, which is often performed during important festivals and celebrations, not only entertains but is also a medium of cultural expression and storytelling.

The colourful costumes of the dancers, accompanied by traditional music and rhythmic clapping, add to the visual splendour of the performance. It is not just a dance; it is a cultural symbol that unites communities, preserves historical narratives and fosters a sense of identity among the Rajasthani people.

Hence, Ghoomar is a dynamic art form that continues to captivate audiences with its beauty and cultural significance. Its enduring popularity underscores the importance of preserving traditional arts in the face of modernity. As it evolves and adapts, it remains a proud symbol of Rajasthan’s rich cultural tradition, celebrating the region’s history, art, and community spirit.


It is an important part of the culture and traditions of Rajasthan. This dance is a symbol of social unity and cultural heritage.

It was originated from the Bhil tribe, which was later adopted by the Rajput society.

Instruments like dholak, manjira and harmonium are used in this folk dance.

Udaipur, Jaipur and Jodhpur are the major places of Ghoomar dance where it is specially organized.

This dance is specially performed on Teej, Gangaur, wedding ceremonies and other major festivals.

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